Dialogue and engagement
A regular and active dialogue with business leaders provides us with an extra dimension of understanding.We’ve had over 20 years’ experience in dialogue, voting and engagement. The type of strategy we set for companies depends on several factors. We look at our relationship with the firm, the investment size as well as the nature, scale and materiality of the issues or the opportunities we wish to discuss.
Dialogue and communication with a company’s senior management, boards and teams can be a combination of face to face meetings, video calls, written correspondence and investor collaboration.
As an active manager, we have hundreds of experienced investment professionals around the world who are communicating with the companies that we invest in on our clients’ behalf.
Why do we believe engagement is important?
Every company has its own complexities and challenges, meaning there's no 'one-size-fits-all' approach.
Understanding how a company is treating all its stakeholders, alongside traditional financial analysis, can help us better assess its long term investment potential. Employees, suppliers, customers, regulators, shareholders, local communities and the environment are all important to consider.
We believe a responsible business puts itself in a better position to grow. This can potentially generate more returns for its shareholders. It’s a firm that seeks to capture the opportunities whilst mitigating potential reputational, financial and operational risk.
We seek to drive change that will protect and enhance the value of our clients’ money. Where material and relevant we’re committed to leveraging the weight of our firm to change how a company is operating, for the better.
Engagement by the numbers
To find out more about what active ownership means at Schroders, read our Engagement Blueprint
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