Schroders launched ‘Schroders Giving’ in 2019 to showcase the positive impact the business is having on the communities in which we operate. As a firm we focus on ‘improving futures’ combining longer term strategic partnerships with a responsive grants program.
At the end of 2019, Schroders signed the UN Global Compact committing us to making progress towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Alongside supporting our employees in their own charitable efforts, Schroders Giving represents our central charitable giving and develops our strategic community partnerships.
As part of this renewed focus Schroders has announced two key long-term partnerships[1] and will be continuing to develop our programs this year. In response to the current crisis, it’s necessary to reprioritize and adapt to the world around us. Just as we’ve all adapted our lives, our jobs and our businesses, we’re adjusting our charitable giving priorities in response to the Covid-19 emergency.
Schroders Giving is supporting the emergency response by redirecting charitable funds to programs across the world that are supporting the most vulnerable people affected by the pandemic. Our contributions are providing food and medical aid, and supporting the elderly, those with mental health challenges and disadvantaged children.
Alongside supporting these local programs we are also supporting the global Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization (WHO) and we are asking our employees to donate alongside us. By donating to this fund, we will be helping the WHO to:
- Send essential supplies such as personal protective equipment to frontline health workers
- Enable all countries to track and detect the disease by boosting laboratory capacity through training and equipment
- Ensure health workers and communities everywhere have access to the latest science-based information to protect themselves, prevent infection and care for those in need
- Accelerate efforts to fast-track the discovery and development of lifesaving vaccines, diagnostics and treatments
Here in the US, we are pleased to say that we’ve selected 3 charities – NY Cares, City Meals-on-Wheels, and City Harvest – to split over $125,000. This commitment exemplifies our firm’s commitment to our communities and giving back.
[1] Samaritans and IntoUniversity
Further information, please contact:
Sarah Levine Prosek at 646-818-9289,
Jennifer Manser O’Rourke of Schroders at 212-632-2947,
The views and opinions contained herein are those of Schroders’ investment teams and/or Economics Group, and do not necessarily represent Schroder Investment Management North America Inc.’s house views. These views are subject to change. This information is intended to be for information purposes only and it is not intended as promotional material in any respect.