The Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company plc has today released its Annual Report for the year ending 31 December 2018.
Highlights were:
- Since switching the mandate to Schroders in March 2013, the Company has produced a NAV total return of 63.6% and a share price total return of 70.3%, outperforming the reference index* which produced a total return of 40.1%
- Last year the share price progressed from trading at a discount to trading at a premium and, except for a few days, the share price has remained at a premium throughout 2018
- The revenue return from the portfolio for the year increased substantially when compared to the previous year, from 5.48p per share in 2017 to 7.18p per share for the year under review
- The board has recommended a final dividend of 6.20p per share for the year ended 31 December 2018, an increase of 29.2% over the final dividend of 4.80p per share paid in respect of the previous financial year
Robin Parbrook, Co-Manager of the Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company plc, said:
“We remain cautious but not outright defensive. Profit margins in Asia have remained healthy and cashflow strong. With balance sheets relatively lowly geared, there is ample scope in Asia for more generous payouts despite the weak outlook.
“Our focus at the moment is very much on those companies where we are confident cashflow will remain strong and management is focused on a sensible balance between returning capital to shareholders and investing in the future growth of their business.”
David Brief, Chairman of the Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company plc, said:
“It is a very uncertain outlook and one in which our strategy should have a place in an investor’s portfolio, focusing as it does on long-term valuation of equities and hedging to provide some protection against market declines.”
To read the full annual report, click here.
* MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex-Japan Index (with net income reinvested), sterling adjusted.
Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Exchange rate changes may cause the value of any overseas investments to rise or fall.
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