Schroder ISF BlueOrchard EM Impact Bond
The fund aims to provide capital growth and income in excess of the ICE BofA 3 Month US Treasury Bill Index +2.5% before fees have been deducted* over a three to five year period by investing in bonds. The fund will invest in bonds issued by governments, government agencies, supranationals and companies of emerging market countries, which help to advance the UN Social Development Goals (SDGs) and which the investment manager deems to be sustainable investments.
The fund has the objective of sustainable investment within the meaning of Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on Sustainability-related Disclosures in the Financial Services Sector (the “SFDR”). This means that the fund invests at least 75% of its assets in sustainable investments within the meaning of SFDR.
ESG Integration
ESG is fully integrated into analysis, bond selection and portfolio construction.
Normative screening
The Fund Managers shall verify whether investee companies are not involved in controversies and violations.
Companies involved in harmful activities that could lead to adverse impacts on sustainability factors will be excluded, the Fund excludes specifically the following sectors:
- Tobacco
- Weapons
- Coal
- Unconventional Oil & Gas
- Conventional Oil & Gas
- Power Generation based on fossil fuels or nuclear energy
The investment manager may engage with companies held by the fund to challenge identified areas of weakness on sustainability issues
Universe selection
The Investment Manager ensures that at least 90% of the portion of the Fund’s Net Asset Value composed of investments in companies is rated against the sustainability criteria. As a result of the application of sustainability criteria, at least 20% of the Fund’s potential investment universe is excluded from the selection of investments
Sustainable themed investing
The Fund is actively managed and invests at least 75% of its assets in sustainable investments that contribute towards the advancement of one or more of the UN SDGs by contributing positively towards social development and environmental themes.
SFDR Pre-Contractual Disclosures
Sustainability Related Disclosures
Additional Information sustainability practices Schroder ISF BlueOrchard EM Impact Bond
Climate Transition Action Plan
Schroders plc Climate Report 2022