Industry involvement

To improve sustainability standards across sectors and promote the development of ESG within the investment industry, we support and collaborate with a variety of industry groups, organisations and initiatives. Our involvement with industry bodies and our public policy work allows us to drive the sustainability agenda at a market level. These efforts help to shape industry best practice, new governance norms and reporting practices. Furthermore, where we are a signatory, we are publicly declaring our support for the group or organisation’s vision and objectives. See the full list of organisations we support below.


Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, and you (or your clients) might not get back what you originally invested.

Schroder International Selection Fund is referred to as Schroder ISF throughout this website.

For illustrative purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation to invest in the above-mentioned security / sector / country.
Schroder Alternative Solutions is referred to as Schroder AS throughout this website.
Schroder Special Situations Fund is referred to as Schroder SSF throughout this website.

Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A. is subject to the UCITS law of 17 December 2020 and the AIFM law of 12 July 2013.