Opportunistic Multi-Sector Securitised
Investment Objective
The Strategy seeks to outperform LIBOR by 500 bps or the S&P Performing Loan Index (gross of fees) over a market cycle.
There is no guarantee that any investment objective can be achieved.
Schroder Opportunistic Multi-Sector Securitized Strategy uses a research-driven approach seeking to capitalize on opportunities available within the securitized markets with a focus on sectors where the team believes it has a competitive advantage. The strategy invests in a portfolio of higher yielding mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and asset-backed securities (ABS). The strategy seeks to capture excess returns typically available in less transparent markets, and to provide capital where regulation and complexity have created inefficiencies. Inefficiencies driven by ratings, financing gaps, liquidity, and regulation continue to develop as the diverse securitized universe changes. The changes can be simple, such as limitations to the buyer base, or more complex such as opportunities driven by distress.
We believe our research-oriented approach is an ideal way to generate income, returns uncorrelated to rising interest rates, and provide diversification versus typical benchmark exposures.
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