Only the most innovative will keep up with fast-paced change
Shaping the future
Thematics is all about hunting down the companies that will shape or adapt to the new world

Uncover transformational opportunities
Active managers aim to move faster than the market, analysing data to unearth areas of unexpected growth

Invest in change
Investors benefit from portfolios that grasp the opportunities change brings
Harnessing human ingenuity can bring long-term rewards
Innovation is nothing new. We have seen great innovations throughout human history. What’s changed is the speed and scale at which that's happening. Think of the inventors taking on the climate crisis or disruptors using technology to shake up markets. These are some of the themes that will shape our future. They’re also investment opportunities for those willing to take a long-term view.
If you’re going to beat the market, you need to be different
The market can be slow to spot companies and industries that might deliver unanticipated growth. That creates an ideal hunting ground for active managers. They can look for a company’s untapped potential, not just at how well it’s doing today. And choose themes that are precise and long-lasting, but can flex over time.
For investors, this is a chance to grasp the opportunities change brings.
Using human and artificial intelligence to go beyond the obvious
Naturally, as active managers, identifying the right investment opportunities is what we do. What sets our thematics investing apart is our data.
We use data sets and techniques like artificial intelligence and machine learning to plot our course through a complex, shifting landscape - and find companies that others have yet to identify. We also work in teams across sectors and borders, and with experts who are focused on specific regions and asset classes. This is how we can offer a set of ready-made funds fit for a rapidly changing world.
"The pace of change is accelerating. Powerful, long-term global trends are transforming the world and creating a wealth of investment opportunities"
*Schroder International Selection Fund is referred to as Schroder ISF
Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, and you (or your clients) might not get back what you originally invested.
For illustrative purposes only and does not constitute to any recommendations to invest in the above-mentioned security / sector / country.