Corporate Sustainability
Accelerating positive change for people and the planet
Walking the talk
We apply the same values and high standards to our business that we ask of the companies we invest in.

For people and the planet
Our corporate sustainability strategy is embedded into our business and aims to accelerate improving equality and protecting our planet’s resources.

We hold ourselves accountable
Transparency is vital, and we report on our plans and progress.
Discover our most recent reports and disclosures
We base our principles on international standards and societal goals
As a signatory to the UN Global Compact (UNGC), we support its 10 principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
But for us, corporate sustainability is much bigger than making commitments. It’s about living up to our values through our actions. This means we can contribute to broader societal priorities, including those set out by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Our strategy is shaped by our stakeholders and highlights two key areas: “people” and “planet.”
“People” means driving change for the better for everyone
We’re proud of our inclusive culture, where people learn, grow, and have the tools to take care of their well-being. We advocate for volunteering, fundraising, and outreach among our teams in our local communities. And we champion human rights in our supply chain.
But we know there’s always more to do – and our Global Employee Forum, inclusion groups, pulse surveys, and research expertise help us keep making progress where it matters most.
Find out more about our people strategy
“Planet” means protecting the world’s resources and tackling climate change
Our science-based targets have been validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative and are in line with a 1.5°C trajectory. Our Climate Transition Action Plan maps out our pathway to net zero by 2050 or sooner.
In addition to committing to reduce the greenhouse gas footprint from our own operations, our role as an investment manager means we can drive significant change across multiple industries and deliver value to our clients over the longer term.
Find out more about our planet strategy
We’ve been focused on sustainability for over 20 years
In that time, we’ve brought together a wealth of in-house expertise. We’re building on years of research, risk analysis, and action to establish a robust view of where we are, what’s coming up, and what we should do.
It’s important to us to think of everything we do through a sustainability lens: from our investment strategies to hiring new people. And we hold ourselves accountable. You can visit our reporting hub to check on our progress.
Our approach to tax
At Schroders, we are committed to conducting our tax affairs in an open and transparent way. This means that we comply with all of our tax filing, tax reporting, and tax payment obligations globally. We also strive to maintain good relationships with the tax authorities in the key jurisdictions in which we operate.