Outlook 2024

Markets in the age of the 3D Reset

“The 3Ds of decarbonization, demographics and deglobalization are forcing investors to change their view of the world. Interest rates and inflation may be stabilizing, but they're back after more than a decade away. The stakes have been raised; investors need to work harder to outpace inflation and to compete against a return on cash in the bank.”

Johanna Kyrklund, Co-Head of Investment & Group CIO

So, how are investors in equities, fixed income and private assets responding to this challenge as they look to 2024? Find out from our experts where they’re finding the best opportunities to benefit from the 3Ds and what it means for your investments.

2024 Sustainability Outlook

Head of Sustainability North America, Marina Severinovsky, shares 7 trends to look for in the year ahead.

Read the Sustainability outlook here.

Private Equity Outlook 2024

Our Global Head of Private Equity, Rainer Ender, identifies some of the key trends emerging from private equity as we move into 2024.

Read the Private Equity outlook here.


The world's disruptive return to the old normal