Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A., German Branch is a branch of a Luxembourg public limited company with its registered office in Frankfurt am Main.
Main business
The object of the company is brokering deals and demonstrating the opportunity of contracts on the acquisition of foreign investment fund shares the marketing thereof and portfolio management
Commercial register:
Local Court of Frankfurt am Main HRB 115301
Managing Director:
Achim Küssner (Chairman), Tanja Engel
Tax no:
VAT ID: DE326205207
Name and domicile of the company:
Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A., German Branch, Frankfurt, Germany
Postal address and contact data:
Taunustor 1 (TaunusTurm)
60310 Frankfurt, Germany
Tel. + 49 69 97 57 17 0
Telefax: + 49 69 97 57 17 302
Head Office:
Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A.
Registered office of the company:
5, rue Höhenhof, 1736 Senningerberg, Luxembourg.
Commercial Register:
B37799, Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés, Luxembourg.
Board of Directors:
Finbarr Browne (Chairman), Jerome Duchene, Vanessa Grüneklee, Sascha Steinhardt, Mike Sommer
Supervisory authorities:
The responsible supervisory authority in Germany is the Bundesanstalt für
Financial Services (BaFin), Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn, Germany
and Marie-Curie-Straße 24-28, 60439 Frankfurt am Main (Internet:
The responsible supervisory authority in Luxembourg is the Luxembourg supervisory authority CSSF, 283, route d'Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg (Internet:
The server for this website is located in Sweden.
Published by the Marketing Department, Frankfurt am Main.
Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A., German Branch, Frankfurt am Main. All rights reserved.
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