Local overview

Find out how global investment trends in areas such as sustainability and private markets are affecting Australia — as well as how local strategies are being adapted for the new investment landscape

New paths in a changing investment landscape

Investors currently face difficult challenges. Ongoing inflation and geopolitical uncertainty – coupled with the need to decarbonise our economies – are making markets difficult to navigate. To understand how their strategies and views are adapting, Schroders’ Global Investor Study surveyed over 23,000 people who invest, from 33 countries and territories around the world.

The new investment landscape

of investors surveyed in Australia agree that higher inflation and interest rates mean we have entered a new regime in policy and market behaviour
have changed their investment strategy in light of this and
intend to do so

Yet those surveyed are still optimistic about returns

How investors in Australia think their returns over the next 12 months will compare with the previous 12 months

What investments have become more attractive to investors in Australia over the last six months?

Ranked by the difference between “more attractive” and “less attractive”

Actively managed funds
Private assets such as private equity or real estate
Cash, or cash equivalent

Ranked by the difference between “more attractive” and “less attractive”

Sustainable investment: time to engage

As investors understand more about sustainable investing, they are thinking in greater depth about what it means. One aspect is “active ownership”, where investment managers seek to influence company boards and management teams so that more sustainable practices are properly considered for the benefit of long-term value creation.

The majority of investors surveyed in Australia believe that engaging with companies on sustainability will benefit their investments

Do investors in Australia think encouraging companies to act sustainably helps generate long-term value?

As investors in Australia learn about investing, they become more convinced that active ownership is effective

Top three areas where Australian investors surveyed think engagement is most important

More information and education would mean more investors would invest sustainably

Yet overall, investors in Australia remain enthusiastic about sustainable investing

Whether survey respondents in Australia are attracted to sustainable funds and why

Moving forward with private assets

The survey shows respondents generally understand the issues around investing in private assets. (Private assets include private equity, real estate, infrastructure, and private debt and credit, i.e. direct lending to companies.) This is an important finding, as increasingly regulators globally are allowing ordinary investors to access these types of investments, which were previously reserved for pension funds and similar large institutions.

The top three private assets Australian respondents most want to invest in

Infrastructure and renewable energy
Private equity
Real estate

Respondents in Australia think private assets can boost diversification and performance — and also improve sustainability

Reasons why investors in Australia would invest in private assets

But they acknowledge the complexities around private assets, and admit they need to gain experience with them

Top five perceived barriers to investors in Australia investing in private assets

On average, Australian respondents would consider putting