Impact investing

Investing with the intent to contribute to measurable positive social or environmental impact, alongside financial returns.

Our impact at a glance

These figures combine our impact expertise and a snapshot of key impact indicators attributed to our Impact Driven strategies as of 31 December 2023, scaled by the size of our investment.


Impact Driven strategies across public and private markets


Impact portfolio managers and analysts


BlueOrchard Impact investment specialists


Schroders sustainability specialists


people supported


tons of CO2e avoided


MWh renewable energy generated


hectares dedicated to restoration and conservation

Impact Report 2024

Learn about our impact capabilities and activity.

"Our Impact Report is an important step for Schroders. Highlighting the importance of integrity, innovation, and collaboration to drive positive, measurable change.”

Dame Elizabeth Corley

Chair, Schroders

Why Schroders for impact?

Schroders Impact Driven range is underpinned by a robust Impact Framework, which serves as a cornerstone for our commitment to scaling impact with integrity. The Framework combines the impact expertise of BlueOrchard, a leading impact investor with over 20 years of experience, with the breadth of Schroders’ long history of fundamental investing across asset classes.  

Our Impact Framework provides a rigorous and consistent approach to impact management, measurement, and reporting, as well as independent impact governance across all the portfolios in our Impact Driven range. It incorporates industry-leading standards such as Impact Frontiers, GIIN's IRIS+, and the Operating Principles for Impact Management.  

Investing for people


Listed equity

Cavco is one of the largest producers of manufactured housing in the United States. Cavco’s factory-built homes, leverage economies of scale to produce affordable, low-utility-cost homes with significantly less manufacturing waste than on-site home building.

The houses are intended to be entry-level homes and are tailored to households with an annual income under USD 40,000.

Investing for people

Shriram Transport Finance

Use of proceeds bond

Shriram Transport Finance’s social bond contributes to improving access to financial services for individuals and MSMEs who typically do not quality for traditional banking loans.

This includes small road transport operators and first-time buyers from underserved communities helping to promote socioeconomic advancement and reducing inequalities. 

Investing for planet

Project Helios

Private equity

Project Helios is a full-service provider focused on commercial photovoltaic systems and public e-mobility charging infrastructure projects in Germany.

It supports the development of critical sustainable infrastructure for the energy transition of the country, serving German corporates, who are committed to transition to net zero. 

Impact Driven range

Our Impact Driven range covers a wide set of asset classes across public and private markets, impact themes and geographies. We also work with our clients to develop bespoke impact solutions that are tailored to their impact, risk, return, asset class and geographic objectives.

Our Impact Investing Specialists

Our impact commitments and accreditations

GIIN logo

Members of GIIN

Blue Mark - Practice leader seal 2024

Recognised in BlueMark’s Practice Leaderboard 2024


Signatories to Impact Principles

Sustainable investing

Everyone’s a stakeholder when it comes to sustainability