Execution Information

Order Execution and Placement Policy, Trading Data and the Annual Trade Execution Report

Group Order Execution and Placement Policy

Download (pdf)
 For the year ended 31 Dec 2019For the year ended 31 Dec 2020
Counterparty DataDownload (xlsx)Download (xlsx)
Trading Venue DataDownload (xlsx)Download (xlsx)
Annual Trade Execution ReportDownload (pdf)Download (pdf)


The above documents are required by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (“MiFID II”), 2014/65/EU and its associated regulation, Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation No 600/2014 (“MiFIR”).  The requirements are set out in Article 27 of MiFID II; Article 64 & 66 of the Delegated Regulation; Article 65 of MiFIR; and by Regulatory Technical Standard 28 (“RTS28”).

Following the UK’s exit from the European Union the FCA decided that from 21 December 2021 UK Investment Firms were no longer required to follow the requirements of Article 65 and RTS 28. Therefore we have not published the reports above for the year ended 31 December 2021.

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