Our investment desks and partnerships

Find out what our six Zurich-based investment desks and partnerships offer you.

Private Equity*

Head | Rainer Ender

  • 100% focus on private equity
  • Global investment strategy targeted at specialised investment opportunities
  • Strong absolute and relative performance
  • Part of Schroders Capital Management (Switzerland) AG


CEO | Philipp Müller

  • Pioneer in microfinance and impact investing with proven 20 year track record
  • Manager of world’s first and largest commercial microfinance fund, offering impact investment solutions across asset classes
  • Experienced investment team with local presence in emerging and frontier markets
  • Part of BlueOrchard Finance SA

Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) *

Head | Stephan Ruoff

  • Great diversification – an independent and pure risk premium
  • ILS are very low duration fixed income
  • Fairly compensated asset class

Real Estate*

Head | Roger Hennig

  • Attractive direct commercial real estate portfolios in Switzerland and Europe
  • Long-term management with convincing track record
  • Experienced investment and asset management teams with local presence

Swiss & European Equities

Head | Stefan Frischknecht

  • Invest as long-term shareholders through a proven process
  • Convincing track record for the past 16 years
  • Expert team for small & mid caps; outstanding team stability

Convertible Bonds

Head | Peter Reinmuth

  • Downside protection is the first rule for wealth preservation
  • Long-established and proven track record
  • Highly dedicated and experienced investment team

*Part of Schroders Capital. Schroders Capital is the private markets investment division of Schroders.