Private individuals

We take time to understand your unique circumstances

We mold our services around your needs and ambitions, whether you require tailored investment management or third-party banking services. We can then provide you with an in-depth financial plan to make sure you are on track. Our recommendations will always be clear and realistic.

You can benefit from:

  • In-depth review of your financial circumstances, objectives and risk tolerance
  • Investments structured for tax-efficiency
  • A personalised long-term investment strategy
  • A portfolio that reflects your values, which can include sustainable or socially-responsible investments
  • Regular reporting
  • Close monitoring and re-balancing of your portfolio to take advantage of shorter-term shifts in the economic cycle

Case study: managing SIPPs

A UK-based executive was appointed to a senior role in New York. He had £4 million in a UK Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) and a taxable portfolio or general investment account (GIA) that would have to become US and UK-compliant if he moved to the US. This can be difficult as many popular funds in the UK face high taxes in the US.

We on-boarded the portfolio quickly, working with his existing advisers. We then restructured our client’s portfolio, investing primarily in individual stocks and bonds, two months before he moved to New York.

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Find out more about how we can support those with US connections, helping them to navigate regulatory and tax regimes across borders.

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