Emerging markets

Grasping the growth opportunities in under-represented markets.

Global growth opportunities

Emerging markets are radically diverse, but can offer some of the most attractive growth opportunities globally

Active stays ahead

Active managers seek to help you stay ahead of rapidly changing conditions and grasp opportunities earlier

There’s no such thing as a typical emerging market

Opportunities look very different in China than they do in Chile. What many emerging markets do have in common is faster potential growth than developed economies – with the promise of capital market development and budding domestic savings markets. But the same potential that makes them attractive also makes them tricky to navigate without steady hands at the wheel. 

There are compelling reasons to be active in emerging markets

Emerging markets can be more volatile, and often overreact to new information. But volatility provides opportunities for experienced active managers to take advantage of – such as anticipating shifts in index weightings instead of reacting to them. Active managers can also help you manage the risks, while watching for and weathering change in a way that passive funds can’t.  

Our experts don’t agree on everything – and we like it that way.

Of course, our emerging markets specialists have the in-depth knowledge and local presence you’d expect. But they don’t plug their insights into a central formula. They regularly debate, challenge, and scrutinise each other’s views.  

Our people also have a raft of constantly updated ESG tools and analysis at their fingertips – essential for a strong emerging markets strategy. 

“The same potential that makes emerging markets attractive also makes them tricky to navigate without steady hands at the wheel.”

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, and you (or your clients) might not get back what you originally invested.  

Emerging markets tend to be riskier than developed markets: they’re less stable politically, legally, and operationally. And exchange-rate changes can also make the value of any overseas investments rise or fall.