Sustainable investing

Everyone’s a stakeholder when it comes to sustainability

Build resilience

We believe sustainable assets make for more resilient investments over the long run

Understand potential

Understanding an asset’s potential impact on the planet and its people is important to assessing long-term value

Access proprietary tools

We have developed a suite of proprietary tools that measure impact across the ESG spectrum

The risks of only looking at risk and return

Profit margins. Potential growth. Market capitalisation. There are many ways of evaluating a company’s worth. But companies don’t exist in a vacuum. The way they behave has real-life consequences – negative and positive. If you don’t take this into account, you aren’t getting the full picture.  

Take risk and return. That’s the traditional lens through which to judge investments. However, alongside these we believe in assessing a third dimension: impact.

The bottom line is ESG can affect the bottom line

That’s why when we build portfolios, we look at a vast array of ESG factors and impacts a company, government or asset has on people and the planet. Ignoring these could mean missing the risks and opportunities faced by our investments. These factors can translate into financial costs, such as carbon taxes, stranded assets or even fines from poor governance. Consumer trends are also shifting towards sustainable practices, so it’s important that companies prepare their business models for this change in demand.

For us, sustainability isn’t just about making better investment decisions – it is also about continuing to push for progress. Our active ownership ethos means we engage with the companies and assets we invest in, using our influence to encourage them to employ more sustainable practices in order to enhance their long-term value.

Our sustainability journey

We have built our sustainable investing experience over the past 20 years, developing our thematic sustainability research and a suite of proprietary tools. Our research and tools provide insights which help our investors understand the various sustainability risks and opportunities faced across their portfolios.

We support companies’ transition to more sustainable business models through engagement and voting, using our voice to influence behaviours and hold companies to account.

As a founding member of the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, we are taking action to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 across the investments we manage and our own operations. Our decarbonisation targets have been validated by the Science-Based Target initiative. Our Climate Transition Action Plan sets out our strategy for achieving them.

As a company, we also have a corporate responsibility role in society. We aim to contribute to a more equal and inclusive society through donations, volunteering and collaborative action. These include supporting underprivileged children in the US and addressing inequality in London.

“We believe sustainable companies not only have a positive impact but their business models are more resilient in the long term. So sustainable investing can benefit all stakeholders, not only shareholders”

Managing assets responsibly

Access our sustainable investment policies, regulatory disclosures, voting reports and statements.   

Active ownership

Through committed engagement with companies’ management teams, active ownership is a key element of the value we bring to our clients. 

Beyond Profit

Profit is only the beginning. When we invest, we should expect more than financial returns. 

Corporate sustainability at Schroders

Our corporate sustainability strategy is embedded into our business, and aims to accelerate improving equality and protecting our planet’s resources. 

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, and you (or your clients) might not get back what you originally invested.  

For illustrative purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation to invest in the above-mentioned security / sector / country.

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