Banking services

Our broad suite of banking services are designed to meet your long-term needs and achieve your goals, from lending against investments, to cash deposits and foreign exchange.

Deposit services

Fulfilling all of your cash management needs, our multi-custodial approach also allows us to advise clients across their banking relationships. For clients maintaining substantial cash balances, we offer:

  • Fixed deposits* with a minimum tenor of one week and up to one year
  • Fiduciary deposits** ideal for clients looking to lower exposure to a single counterparty risk. This option allows clients to select and manage their counterparty risk for their deposits


Loans secured on investments – also known as Lombard Lending – are suitable for clients with an existing investment looking to use their portfolio to pursue higher investment returns, greater diversification or to bridge liquidity needs.

Every client’s cash requirements will differ over time, and liquidating long-term investments to meet short-term needs may not be the best strategy.

Instead, we can lend funds to clients that are secured against investments held by us. Because liquidity needs can change unexpectedly, our clients can pay loans back at any time with no redemption penalty.

Lombard Lending enables you to:

- Profit from short-term investment opportunities

- Enhance returns by leveraging your portfolio

- Invest in more financial instruments to diversify your risk

- Bridge liquidity needs in a simple, cost-efficient and convenient way

- Enter into derivative contracts (e.g. options) which require a security margin

Loan rates are available on application.

The potential risks of Lombard Lending include:

Market volatility, currency fluctuations or the volatility of the credit exposure related to derivatives can lead to collateral shortfalls and may cause us to ask you for additional (or the liquidation of existing) collateral.

Foreign Exchange Services

As a major international wealth manager, our clients operate on a global stage. We offer several foreign exchange services, including spot and forward foreign exchange contracts.

* The minimum fixed deposit for a one-week tenor is $1 million.

** The minimum fiduciary deposit for one month or more is $200,000. For tenors less than one month, the minimum is $1 million.

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