Energy Transition

The need to decarbonize is accelerating the energy transition globally

Investment levels need to increase significantly

It is estimated that between 2020 and 2050 we need to spend nearly $120 trillion of investment in energy transition infrastructure. Urgent action is required to decarbonize the entire value chain.

Increased need for independent energy security 

Driven by the deglobalization trend and exacerbated by conflicts in Europe and Middle East, many countries are looking to develop decentralized and localized renewable energy sources.

Conventional energy companies will transition their business models

Leading oil and gas companies will be an important part of the energy transition due to their global scale, large capital available to redirect toward new energy sources and their long-standing relationships with energy customers.

What is the energy transition?

When we speak about the energy transition, we are referring to a long-term transformation of the entire energy system. This involves not only significant investments in renewable energy, but also close collaboration with traditional energy companies as they embark on their decarbonization journey. We are entering a multi-decade investment cycle across almost all areas of the energy market value chain. At Schroders, we believe that taking a holistic approach to investing in the energy sector will be crucial in the coming decades.  

Conventional energy will play an important role in the transition

Conventional oil and gas companies must adapt and transition their business models to continue to be dominant players in the global energy market going forward. Conventional energy companies currently provide a critical link in the energy mix and their investment rates will have a huge influence on the stability and speed of the energy transition. As these companies transition their business models, specialist expertise and active management are crucial to understanding the valuation cycles and managing risks. 

Renewables market opportunity is happening now

We also see huge demand for renewables from the increased demand for electricity globally; the market is expected to grow by about 150% between now and 2040 (McKinsey, Global Energy Perspective 2023). This is an unusually strong growth rate in demand that is separate from the energy transition movement. The key drivers being energy consumption per capita, population growth, data center usage and electrification of key industries. 

Schroders Greencoat

Renewable infrastructure - enabling the clean energy transition

Energy transition videos

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The state of the energy transition
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3D Reset is accelerating the energy transition movement

We see the urgency of decarbonization as one of the “3Ds” – demographics, decarbonization and deglobalization – which are driving seismic change through the global economy.

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