The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), an influential United Nations-backed global investor initiative, has awarded Schroders with an A+ rating for its overall strategy and governance in relation to sustainable investment. This is for the fifth consecutive year that Schroders has been recognised with the highest accolade.
Just 25% of investment managers globally were awarded the A+ rating.
This score entailed Schroders receiving an A+ rating for its approach to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing within private equity, an improvement on the A ranking a year ago.
Furthermore, its corporate non-financial approach to ESG fixed income investing also received an A+ rating, also an upgrade on last year’s A rating.
Schroders announced on 26 July that it had acquired a majority stake in BlueOrchard, the pioneer in microfinance and impact investing.
Schroders’ Institutional Investor Study has found that 74% of investors globally believe that investing sustainably will grow in importance over the next five years,
Jessica Ground, Global Head of Stewardship, Schroders, commented:
“Our continuing focus on responsible investment has been recognised for the fifth year in a row by the PRI. Another A+ ranking demonstrates that, when it comes to our commitment to sustainability, Schroders remains entirely committed to engaging on ESG risks that could prove material for our clients.
“As an active manager, we see sustainable investment as an integral and necessary part of our responsibility. We integrate ESG analysis into our investment processes as it is essential to securing long-term, sustainable returns in a continually changing investment environment for our clients.”
For further information, please contact:
Alice West, Senior Corporate Communications Manager / Tel: +41 (0)44 250 12 26
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Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI),
Founded in 2006, the PRI is supported by 2,372 organizations worldwide, including investment managers, asset managers and service providers, representing 86.3 trillion US-Dollar in assets. The aim is to encourage investors to include sustainability in their decisions. Each year, PRI holders are required to disclose their investment process in detail. This is reviewed by the PRI and given a rating.
Schroders plc
Schroders is a global investment manager with more than 200 years’ experience of helping our clients meet their goals, fulfil their ambitions, and prepare for the future. Schroders currently manages CHF 551.5 billion* and employs over 5,000 people in across six continents.
Schroders is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a member of the FTSE 100. It also remains in part a family business, with almost half of voting shares held by the Schroder family. Independence and long-term thinking are central to our business philosophy – values reflected in our steady ownership structure.
At home in Switzerland for over half a century – here we have three businesses; each with its own emphasis, all with the same clear focus on meeting clients’ needs and adapting to a changing world:
- Schroder Investment Management (Switzerland) AG is our investment management business. It offers institutional and private investors a wide range of Swiss-domestic and foreign-domiciled funds, along with bespoke investment mandates.
- Schroder & Co Bank AG provides bespoke Wealth Management services to private individuals, family offices, external asset managers and charities.
- Schroder Adveq is a leading private equity asset manager serving institutional investors, namely pension funds, insurance companies and others throughout the world.
Our combined Swiss team is made up of around 400 people. Together they are responsible for a total of CHF 79.2 billion.**
Find out more about Schroders at
*as at 30 Juni 2019
**as at 31 December 2018
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