Banking FAQ

SSI ChangesSubjectEffective dateDocuments
4th notificationImportant update following Changes to your Transfer Agency standing settlement instructions effective 22 August 2022
August the 31st 2022 🔽
3rd notificationImportant final reminder: Changes to Transfer Agency standing settlement instructions effective 22 August 2022August the 22nd 2022 🔽
FAQFAQ: New bank details for Standing Settlement Instructions (SSIs)August the 22nd 2022 🔽
2nd notificationNew bank details for Standing Settlement Instructions (SSIs)August the 22nd 2022 🔽
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Fond Schroder Alternative Solutions sa na tejto webovej lokalite označuje ako Schroder AS.
Fond Schroder Special Situations Fund sa na tejto webovej lokalite označuje ako Schroder SSF.

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