Discussing credit

Discussing Credit - Discount Shopping for Returns

We look back at the times when high yield was trading at a discount and the returns investors saw within the year that followed.

Elizabeth Murphy, Investment Director (Credit)

Discussing Credit - Phases of the Credit Cycle

In the second part of our series, we take a look at how the Credit Cycle tends to play out, and how credit investors are likely to react in certain scenarios.

Elizabeth Murphy, Investment Director (Credit)

Discussing credit: can European companies handle their debt burden?

In the first part of our new video series on credit, we look at what European companies’ debt ratios currently tell us about their ability to weather storms.

Elizabeth Murphy, Investment Director (Credit)

Investing in credit with Schroders

In global corporate bond markets, there’s a constant race for information. The winners are those who spot the key trends early and uncover opportunities that are overlooked by their competitors.