A different way of seeing

Investing in credit with Schroders

Seeking unexpected perspectives

In the global credit markets, there is a constant race for information. The winners are those who spot the key trends early and uncover opportunities that are overlooked by their competitors. Our research culture is one that seeks out the less obvious second- and third-order effects of economic and industry trends on the companies we cover. Our analysts work to uncover patterns, interconnections and interactions that can help our portfolio managers to exploit early-stage opportunities, identify risks and have the confidence to take concentrated positions.

Themes-driven approach

We identify broad investment themes that we believe will shape returns. The disciplined way in which we implement this approach helps us uncover the less-obvious second- and third-order effects of these trends and highlight early-stage opportunities.

Global reach and insights

Schroders specializes in bottom-up credit research and security selection. The insights that drive our portfolios come from 40+ credit analysts covering 1700+ debt issuers worldwide, and 25+ fund managers based in Europe, Asia, the UK and US.

Five decades of experience

With more than 50 years of experience running fixed income portfolios, today Schroders offers strategies to suit a wide range of client objectives and priorities, spanning active market exposure, sustainability, income focus, while aiming to preserve capital.

Data as of March 2023.

Discussing credit video series

In this video series, we look at key topics within the credit space, and what investors should be looking out for when investing in credit

Schroder International Selection Fund is referred to as Schroder ISF.