Schroders Index Solutions

Not all indices are created equal

An alternative to passive indices

Schroders indices provide an enhanced exposure compared to benchmark passive indices at a similar pricing point. Our Index Solutions deliver Schroders expertise and fiduciary responsibility in a simple, transparent and cost-effective way. We provide our clients bespoke indices to meet their evolving needs.

Enhanced Indices

Leverage Schroders expertise to achieve superior outcomes.

  • Multi factor premium driven index design
  • Custom tracking error budget vs traditional market capitalisation weighted benchmarks

  • Target index outperformance over the medium to long term

  • Indices across asset classes including multi-asset

Sustainable Indices

Incorporate our suite of proprietary sustainability models.

  • Tailored to client requirements and their sustainability goals
  • In-house ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) metrics providing full transparency, supported by in-depth reporting

  • Active stewardship including voting and engagement

Quantitative Indices

Develop indices focusing on risk and return.

  • Cross-asset quantitative systematic strategies
  • Return streams uncorrelated to those of bonds and equities

  • Alternative risk premia and downside diversification portfolios

Client focused approach

Strategies and portfolios can be tailored to client requirements including exposure, risk, sustainability criteria and exclusion lists. Clients benefit from the experience of a dedicated team, providing regular communication and analytics covering each strategy and portfolio. The team combines experience in the research, development, design and execution of quantitative investment strategies across asset classes on behalf of investors globally.

Our strategies

Multi-factor equity

Global Compass

Defensive Equity Protect 90

US Responsible Investments

Enhanced commodity

Related insights

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