Defined Benefit

Supporting more than 600 DB pension schemes on their de-risking journey

Private assets

Access investment capabilities and broader solutions across private markets, through pooled funds and customised mandates



Fiduciary management, outsourced CIO, liability and cashflow-driven investing, alongside world-leading equity derivatives capabilities

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As active owners of our clients’ capital, we support UK DB pensions schemes on their net zero journey

Expertise from one of the largest DB managers in the UK

We manage in excess of £90 billion of UK pension scheme assets across more than 600 DB schemes of all sizes*.

As our partner, you have access to our investment capability and expertise across the full spectrum of public and private markets. We offer growth strategies, liability management, de-risking, and governance solutions for every stage of your scheme’s journey.

*As at 31 December 2022

Partner with one of the largest solutions providers in the UK

We partner with you for the long term, with a consultative and structured approach. We offer fiduciary management, outsourced CIO, liability and cashflow driven investing, alongside world-leading equity derivatives capabilities.

All our solutions are flexible, based on your specific objectives, and accessible to schemes of all sizes.

A manager that can support your scheme’s journey to net zero

As a UK pension scheme, you’re uniquely placed to influence and invest in moves towards a lower-carbon economy.

We see ourselves as active owners of your capital, focussing on your long-term ambitions. That’s why we embed environmental, social, and governance (ESG) trends into all our analysis, decision-making, and ownership.

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"We work in partnership with our clients to find solutions to their investment challenges. Our specialist ESG, private assets, and solutions capabilities allow us to fully support our clients’ sustainability and funding objectives."

Russell Smith

Head of UK Client Group


In the world of private markets, there are two kinds of investors: those who respond to change and those who lead it. Discover standout opportunities across private markets.

Institutional Investor Study

Schroders Institutional Investor Study analyses the investment perspectives of 770 global institutional investors on the investment landscape, private assets and sustainability

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On 17 September 2018 our remaining dual priced funds converted to single pricing and a list of the funds affected can be found in our Changes to Funds. To view historic dual prices from the launch date to 14 September 2018 click on Historic prices.