Defined Contribution

Supporting schemes to meet their members' investment needs through innovative public and private strategies.

Climate change, shifting demographics and rapidly evolving technology are reshaping our society, creating new risks and opportunities, within an ever increasing regulatory environment.

Recognising we play an important part in supporting DC pension schemes, our priority is to deliver positive outcomes for members.

Schroders manages over £5.5bn* on behalf of DC pension schemes across public and private markets, designed to meet yours and your members’ needs on an ongoing basis.

*as at 31 March 2024

DC-focused strategies

We offer a range of actively managed solutions which help DC pension schemes and their members’ meet their sustainability and growth goals.

Access to public and private markets

We make public and private markets accessible to DC pension schemes offering solutions to diversify investment portfolios and generate the potential for capital growth.

Bespoke solutions

We are experienced at working with individual pension schemes and mastertrusts to develop innovative and bespoke solutions with the aim of achieving their specific goals.

Investing in Long-Term Asset Funds (LTAFs)

Making private markets accessible

Our offering for DC pension schemes

We offer a broad range of options to meet the increasing number of challenges faced by DC pension schemes:

  • Multi-Asset funds to help manage risk and return
  • Innovative retirement solutions with member’s needs in mind
  • The ability to bespoke portfolios to support schemes in meeting their specific objectives

We have a long history of working with trustees and sponsors in the DC pensions market. With that experience has come the knowledge and ability to innovate, making solutions from multi-asset to private assets much more widely available.

We are proud to be the market leader in making private markets more accessible to DC investors through the launch of the first long-term asset fund (LTAF) in 2023.

Helping trustees lower their governance burden

Through our experience working with DC schemes, we're aware that the volume and changing nature of DC regulations can mean trustees spend significant governance time on reporting, rather than on improving the outcomes for members. That’s why we don’t just provide investment strategies - we also provide the information to help trustees demonstrate the investment value for members

Schroders Capital

In the world of private markets, there are two kinds of investors: those who respond to change and those who lead it. Discover standout opportunities across private markets.

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Contact our team - Defined Contribution

Find out more about our range of funds, strategies and solutions by contacting your Schroders representative