Enquiries: Fund related, Administration and Audit information
Fund related questions
Carine Packer
Product Manager, Real Estate Product UK
Email: carine.packer@schroders.com
Change of fund registrar
The provider of registrar services for the Schroder UK Real Estate Fund changed from Northern Trust to HSBC on 19 July 2021.
For more information, please refer to our FAQs.
For all queries regarding the Schroder UK Real Estate Fund please contact the Registrar, HSBC:
Schroder Investor Services
PO Box 1402
SR43 4AF
Email: SCREF@hsbc.com
Tel: 0345 030 7277 (UK)
Tel: +44 1397 436 966 (overseas)
Fax: 0333 207 4504 (UK)
Fax: +44 333 207 4504 (overseas)
Audit information enquiries
All requests for audit information are handled by the Registrar, HSBC. They can be contacted at:
Schroder Investor Services
PO Box 1402
SR43 4AF
Email: SCREF@hsbc.com
Tel: 0345 030 7277 (UK)
Tel: +44 1397 436 966 (overseas)
Fax: 0333 207 4504 (UK)
Fax: +44 333 207 4504 (overseas)