Real Estate Investment Committee

Real Estate Investment Trusts

The Investment Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Company's portfolio is managed in accordance with its investment objective and policy. It approves the Company’s strategy and transactions. The Investment Committee has significant experience in investing across the UK and Continental Europe, so a broad context can be applied and a consistent and disciplined investment approach is implemented across all Schroder Real Estate funds.

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Sophie Van Oosterom, Global Head of Real Estate

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James Macnamara (for Hotels) Head of Strategy, Hotels and Operating Assets


Kieran Farrelly, Head of Real Estate Global Solutions

Roger Hennig

Roger Hennig, Head of Switzerland and Nordic Real Estate

david thomas adderson

David Thomas-Adderson, Head of Risk Management, Real Estate


Nick Montgomery, Head of UK Investment


Andrew Moore (for Asia) Head of Schroder Pamfleet

What are the risks?

Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated.

The value of investments, and the income from them, can rise and fall and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Companies which invest in a smaller number of assets carry more risk than those spread across a larger number of assets.

The Company may invest solely in property located in one country or region. This can carry more risk than investments spread over a number of countries or regions.

The Company may borrow money to invest in further investments, this is known as gearing. Gearing will increase returns if the value of the assets purchased increase in value by more than the cost of borrowing, or reduce returns if they fail to do so.

The fund holds investments denominated in currencies other than sterling, changes in exchange rates will cause the value of these investments, and the income from them, to rise or fall.

The dividend yield is an estimate and is not guaranteed.