Practical guides

 Adviser guides on wealth transfer and regulation to support your client conversations.


We explore specific opportunities – and threats – for financial advisers.


We keep a close eye on trends and dive deep into the issues that are likely to stay on the agenda.


The reports draw on a wealth of data and analysis from both our own and external experts, so you get a full view of the landscape.

The next generation of wealth management

Over the next decade, £1 trillion of wealth will flow to new owners: widows, children, and grandchildren. Here’s how you can manage this wealth transfer for your clients and your business.

Giving regulation a PROD

The Product Intervention and Product Governance Sourcebook is here to stay. But the devil is in the detail – and there are plenty of questions still to answer about the regulator’s expectations.

  • How to PROD-proof your business: Sponsored by Schroders, the Lang Cat’s guide helps you understand your client’s needs, potential investment solutions, and meeting PROD requirements.

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