Schroders Capital Semi-Liquid solutions

Demand for private markets keeps rising, and not just among institutional investors

What are open-ended evergreen funds?

Open-ended evergreen funds, or “semi-liquid” funds, represent a relatively new route to access private markets.

These funds are open-ended, meaning investors can subscribe and redeem at regular intervals at the prevailing net asset value (NAV) of the fund and have no fixed life.

What are the benefits of open-ended evergreen funds?

For private wealth clients, routes of access into private markets have historically been limited to closed-ended investment trusts, with traditional funds having significant barriers to access including; high minimums, capital call drawdown structures, long lock ups etc.

Open-ended evergreen funds in the UK represent a complementary option to investment trusts, giving consumers greater choice in how they access private markets.

How do open-ended evergreen work?

Open-ended structures, where investors can buy and sell at a prevailing NAV, historically, have had limited applicability in private markets, due to the illiquid nature of the underlying investments.

In response to this, semi-liquid structures have been developed to provide liquidity in a controlled manner. A well-constructed portfolio, one that is diverse by geography, sector, type and vintage, can engineer a level of “natural liquidity” that is regular and consistent. Semi-liquids also employ liquidity management tools that can control liquidity within the fund.

The result is a platform that provides investors with a liquidity window without compromising returns and helps them meet their investment objectives.

Key Information

Illiquid funds

Semi-liquid funds

Liquid funds (Investment trusts)





Capital Deployment

Over time





Monthly or Quarterly, subject to limits


Performance Reporting




Fund Life

Typically, 10+ Years







What do Schroders offer?

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Schroders Capital Semi-Liquid Global Private Equity
Schroders Capital Semi-Liquid Global Innovation Private Plus
Schroders Capital Semi-Liquid Circular Economy Private Plus
Schroders Capital Semi-Liquid Global Real Estate Total Return

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