Electronic communication
Electronic communication
The Company's Articles of Association allow the Company to make copies of various documents such as the annual and interim reports and accounts, notices of annual and extraordinary general meetings, together with any related circulars ('shareholder communications') available to shareholders on-line, in addition to allowing us to offer on-line proxy voting at general meetings.
Consequently, if you are a shareholder you can now choose to receive information on-line, and:
- be notified by Computershare Investor Services PLC, the Company's registrars, when shareholder communications become available for viewing and downloading from this website;
- be able to vote by proxy on-line.
If you wish to receive notices of meetings and annual and interim report and accounts on-line, please log on to the Company's registrars' shareholder service to indicate this preference at www.investorcentre.co.uk.
You may register at any time.
Here you will be able to:
- indicate your mailing preference (post or email) for shareholder communications;
- directly access relevant share register data relating to your shareholding, including recent share movements and dividend details;
- view a valuation of your shareholding, based on recent share prices;
- view a range of information and other practical help for shareholders;
- view and manage your current portfolio, in addition to receiving email updates from the Company's registrars as to when shareholder communications become available by providing a link to this website.
When registering on the Investor centre website, you will initially need your shareholder reference number, which is shown on your recent correspondence from Computershare, together with a PIN number. You will also be asked to provide an email address, which will remain confidential and will not form part of the Company's register of shareholders.
In addition, shareholders can register the appointment of their proxy electronically via the internet at www.investorcentre.co.uk/eproxy where full instructions are given. The Control Number, Shareholder Reference Number and PIN printed on the proxy form will be required when registering online.