Zaangażowanie w branżę
Schroders jest członkiem, uczestnikiem lub sygnatariuszem wielu renomowanych organizacji branżowych, w ramach których dzielimy się know-how i współpracujemy przy różnych inicjatywach branżowych. Przykładowa lista znajduje się poniżej.
- Black Women in Asset Management
Better Buildings Partnership (BPP)
BBP Net Zero Commitment
Climate Action 100+
Climate Financial Risk forum
Finance for Biodiversity Pledge
Find It, Fix It, Prevent It
Global Impact Investing Network
Human Capital Management Coalition
IFRS ISSB Investor Advisory Group (IIAG)
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC)
International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)
Investors Against Slavery and Trafficking (APAC)
Investor Alliance for Human Rights
Natural Capital Investment Alliance
Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
Operating Principles for Impact Management
Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI)
PRI Advance
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
TCFD Consortium
TNFD Forum member
UN Global Compact
UN Race to Net Zero
Workforce Disclosure Initiative
- Asia Investor Group on Climate Change
Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA)
Confluence Philanthropy
Council of Institutional Investors (CII)
Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association
European Funds and Asset Management Association (EFAMA)
French SIF
Hong Kong Green Finance Association
Intentional Endowments Network
Investment Association
Investor Forum
Mission Investors Exchange
National Association of Pension Funds
Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA)
Singapore Green Finance Centre
Singapore Sustainable Finance Association
UK Corporate Governance Forum
UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF)
US Sustainable Investment Forum (US SIF)
Certyfikacje i etykiety
Austrian Ecolabel
FNG-Siegel Ecolabel
ICMA Green Bonds and Social Bonds Principles
Towards Sustainability
UK Stewardship Code
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