Governance framework

Find out more about the governance structures and processes we use to meet our responsibilities to stakeholders and protect the business.

Governance framework

The Board of Schroders plc (Board) is authorised to manage the business of the Schroders plc Group. The Board can do this by making its own decisions but can also delegate some of its authorities and responsibilities.

Many of the powers of the Board to manage the business of the Group are delegated to the Group Chief Executive, with the exception of certain matters which the Board reserves to itself (Schedule of Matters Reserved) or delegates to a Board Committee.

The Group Chief Executive has authority to delegate further within the business. Our Governance framework is shown below and can also be found as an infographic here.


The Board is collectively responsible for the management, direction and performance of the Company. The Board have documented the responsibilities of the Chair, Senior Independent Director and Group Chief Executive

Role Statements:
Chair | Senior Independent Director | Group Chief Executive

Our Principal Management Committees

Group Executive Committee (Group Exco)

The Group ExCo comprises senior management who have primary responsibility for the delivery and execution of the Group’s strategy, and for operational performance. It is an advisory committee to the Group Chief Executive.

Group Sustainability and Impact Committee (GSI)

The GSI comprises senior management across the Group and provides advice to the Group Chief Executive to assist him in discharging his responsibilities regarding sustainability and impact.

Group Capital Committee

Assists the Chief Financial Officer in the deployment of operating, seed, co-investment and investment capital.

Group Risk Committee (GRC)

Assists the Group Chief Executive in discharging his responsibilities in respect of risk and controls. The GRC is chaired by the Chief Risk Officer and has a number of sub-committees, which look at specific areas of risk.